- Jan 22, 2021
Standalone Gmail ads will dissolve and become the part of Discovery Campaigns from 1st July 2021
Starting July, Gmail ads will lose the standalone status of their ad type. Advertisers who solely depend upon Gmail campaigns alone have been notified regarding this new move.
As per the new move, Gmails ads might now appear in the Discovery campaign type.
Migrating from Gmail ads to Discovery campaign will require diverting attention to three things :
1. Budget
When moving forward to the Discovery campaign, the bar set for the budget should be higher than what was usually set for the Gmail ads. Moreover, more budget might result in different results.
2. Bidding
The conversion objective used in the case of Discovery campaigns will differ from that used in Gmail ads. The conversion used is Target CPA (+CPA).
3. Target Audience
In the case of audience targeting, the only difference that would arise will be the addition of keyword targeting.
Gmail ads are usually displayed, in the 'Promotions' or 'Social' tabs. These ads are divided into two categories :
- Single Business Ads
- Multi-Retailer
The main reason behind this change remains unknown, however, there could be many reasons for this move. But the change would be a great way for advertisers to give a try on something new.
Read more at www.searchenginejournal.com